Free Shred Event - Benefiting Operation Backpack
DATE: Saturday, April 19th
WHERE: Thalia Branch
TIME: 10am – 1pm
COST: Free, but encourage members to donate school supplies and backpacks
(Cash and check donations accepted in branch. Make checks payable to: Beach Municipal FCU, Memo: Operation Backpack donation)
Members bring all your shred materials in paper bags or boxes (no plastic please)
What is Operation Backpack?
Each year, hundreds of VB City Public School students start the school year without a backpack or basic school supplies. Again this year, we’ve decided to use our annual Shred Day event to collect these items so students in our community have what they need before heading to class.
Want to help out?
We need volunteers for this event! Please let Celeste know if interested! Thank you!
Marketing Plan:
February through April: social media, email, in branch promotion (Display screens, signage and teller cards)
First Email | Date Sent: March 8th