Mello Beans Coffee Coming to Beach Municipal FCU

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Mello Beans Coffee Coming to Beach Municipal FCU

Authored By: Celeste Thompson on 1/12/2024
Member & Staff Appreciation Event with Mello Beans Coffee

We are excited to partner with Mello Beans Coffee for our winter Member & Staff Appreciation Day.

Event Dates:

  • January 19th:    9a – 11a | Princess Anne Branch
  • February 2nd:   9a – 11a | Thalia Branch

How it works:  When members come into your branch, offer a ticket for a free beverage or bakery item. The member will give their ticket to the Mello Bean employee upon ordering their beverage or snack.

  • Each branch will receive a supply of tickets.
  • Tickets will be numbered so we can track how many members participate).
  • Each ticket is good for ONE beverage OR food item,
  • The ticket does not have cash value.
  • Branch staff must verify the individual is a member.
  • One ticket per member ONLY.
  • If they ARE NOT a member, they may purchase items from Mello Beans Coffee at their own expense.
  • The ticket is only good for the Beach Municipal event, and cannot be used at other Mello Bean events.

Tickets will also be available to staff! Enjoy a complimentary beverage and/or food item on us!

Advertising the event:   We will post on social media the day before and the morning of each event. As a courtesy, we will notify other partners in the vicinity who may want to stop by the truck to make a purchase.

Who is Mello Beans?
Mello Beans is a locally owned coffee and bakery food truck. They have an Instagram and Facebook page. Infusing Good Vibes into Every Bean.
Mello Beans Beach House
661 Sandbridge Rd, Virginia Beach, VA

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