The Pipeline IG Contest

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The Pipeline IG Contest

Authored By: Amy Mallinson on 1/22/2024

The Marketing Team is working to engage a core member demographic group by utilizing a method in which they are more likely to respond and participate - Instagram.  Our plan is to offer two Instagram Contests this year, with the first one kicking off next week!


Existing Pipeline club account members


What are You Saving for in 2024?


Contest runs from January 19 - February 29, 2024


Hey Teens!  We're curious to know - What are you Saving for in 2024?  Give that some thought.  While you're thinking about it, are you following us on Instagram?  We have a tip for you.  If you're not, you are going to miss out on an important announcement coming soon.  Click the FOLLOW button and stay tuned! 

How does it work?  Here is the challenge:

Pipeline members are to post a video or picture on IG of what they savings goal is for 2024 (e.g., a new gaming system, a new car, a vacation, a skateboard, etc.) and tag Beach Municipal FCU.

From these posts, at the end of the contest we will randomly select 3 winners to receive a $50 Visa gift cards.

The second contest is targeted for May 2024.  We will keep you updated.

Please let the Marking team know if you have any questions.

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