Share Draft Checking
Checking Account
- Members age 13 and older may apply to open a checking account.
- Qualifile/ChexSystems — service we use to perform a risk assessment on checking account applicants to determine whether or not to open an account.
- Members who do not qualify are still issued a Debit Card to access their funds.
- Portico suffix — 70; additional accounts 71, 72, 73, 79 (Sole Proprietorship).
- SOP — Check Acceptance and Negotiation Procedures | rev 092021.
- No monthly service fees or per-check fees.
- No minimum balance requirement.
- Unlimited check writing.
- Earns dividends on balances $500+.
- Overdraft protection from the Share Savings (no overdraft transfer fees) or optional Overdraft Line of Credit.
- Direct Deposit not required.
Access to the following:
Cross Sell
- Talking Points — We offer a competitive Checking Account with more advantages than many other financial institutions. FYI, members with active checking accounts are more likely to use us for other things, like loans.
- Opportunity Box Code/Name: 70 – Share Draft (70) or 79 - Share Draft (79) for Sole Proprietorships.
- Referrals — assign to Member Services at applicable branch
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