Vehicle Loans

Auto Loan
- Risk-based pricing — we offer different interest rates and to different members based on their creditworthiness.
- Rate cannot go below the floor rate.
- Eligible for employee discount.
- Relationship Discount — reduce the rate by 1/2% APR with any two of the following:
- Direct deposit of net pay
- $5,000 or more in a Beach Municipal FCU Share Certificate
- Payroll Payment, ACH Payment or Automatic Transfer
- Online loan application
- eAccounts
- New, Used/Refinanced Vehicles
- Portico Suffix — NV (new), UV (used); CC (Classic Car); OT (Old Title).
- Low, fixed interest rates.
- Fixed payments.
- Terms — up to 72 months on loans of $12k+ or more; 84 months on $20k+
- The same interest rate for new and used vehicles.
- No penalty for early payoff.
- No application fees.
- GAP, Warranty and Payment Protection coverage available.
- Classic Car — add 3.00% to secured loan rates.
- Old Title — increase based on credit score.
- RV/Boats
- Portico Suffix — NR (new RV), UR (used RV); NB (new boat), UB (used boat)
- Includes jet skis, campers, travel trailers
- Low, fixed interest rates.
- Fixed payments.
- Terms up to 144 months.
- The same interest rate for new and used vehicles.
- No penalty for early payoff.
- No application fees.
- GAP and Payment Protection coverage available; not eligible for warranty.
- Boats/RV — add 3.00% to secured loan rates.
Cross Sell
- Talking Points — With rates as low as 3.25%APR, we may be able to save them money. We charge the same interest rate for new and used vehicles which is very rare.
- Opportunity Box Code/Name — Auto | Auto Loans
- Referrals — assign to Lending at applicable branch
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